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    Paweł Podworny

    Pawel Podworny

    Origin: Poland

    Chosen University

    Aston University

    Direction of Study

    International Business and Modern Languages French and Spanish



    Hi, my name is Paul Podwórny and I am 19 years old. I am currently in my first year
    Study at Aston University in Birmingham for a degree in International Business and
    Modern Languages French and Spanish. I chose to study in the UK with
    due to the offer of directions that you won’t find anywhere else. The direction that
    the one I recommend to you the most is the one I attend – you have fluidity
    language and business knowledge after completing one course of study. I think it
    A forward-looking approach to the subject, and mandatory for this course and recommended at the
    All third-year interns only help with this.

    Classes are split between a language school and a business school. Language classes
    are conducted in small groups and have mainly business topics. Whereas
    Business classes I currently had in large lecture halls in the form of lectures,
    which were recorded and can be quietly watched at home again. Assessments are given to
    consists of written work (coursework) and exams, which are twice a year. This year
    among my subjects, in addition to languages, you can find Accounting, International
    Business i marketing. I decided on this university and this direction because of it,
    That it is a 4-year course, and the entire third year is spent on an internship abroad.

    Aston has a very positive attitude toward foreign students. Practically
    every university employee is here to help us. Everything we need
    is on-site – from a gym with a historic pool to two pubs and a club. Every student
    may benefit from learning an additional language or have the opportunity to attend a
    additional English classes.

    Birmingham is a fairly large city, but it doesn’t feel that big. The
    bus and train stations can be reached in 10 minutes on foot. The bus network is developed
    very good. A 4-week ticket for a student costs £42.
    Birmingham is England’s second-largest city, so naturally everything you
    you need you can find here.

    Once you arrive and get used to the accent, you start studying and meeting new people
    friends for orientation week. Between all the events, the exhibitions have
    student associations and meetings with lecturers.

    I live on the university campus in a dormitory that was offered through Aston.
    You can find cheaper off-campus housing but you have to factor in the commute and the

    fact that all events are on campus. For your dormitory apartment
    currently pay £130 a week, which is quite high.

    In addition to studying, like most students I also work. Currently
    works at a betting outlet on a 24-hour contract, which on the
    I calmly reconcile with my studies. The money earned here allows me to live a quiet life
    in England.

    The atmosphere at the university is very good, there are a lot of students from different countries and
    there are plenty of student societies to join. There are more than 100 of them,
    and the biggest ones are soccer, rugby, netball, and field field hockey. When it comes to
    scientific associations are the largest ones with the largest ethnic groups
    And linguistic ones, such as French, Spanish, or Arabic. I am part of the team
    of football. We have a professional coach and play in a university league with others
    teams from the region, and in addition we sometimes have meals together and weekly

    I highly recommend Edu4u organizations, they have an individual approach to each applicant
    Which is extremely important. Edu4u will definitely make the whole process easier and help you with
    many problems. It will come in handy when applying to UCAS, as well as when applying
    for a tuition loan and a life loan.

    Finally, such a little advice from me – contribute! Take part in the event,
    create something of your own. It will come in handy for you and for your application to study in England and most importantly
    all in the resume when applying for a placement.