Course Overview
Study Modes
Entry Requirements
Funding & Fees
.custom-span {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-span::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: -5px; /* Положение полоски относительно текста */
width: 2px; /* Ширина полоски */
height: 100%;
background-color: orange; /* Цвет полоски */
opacity: 0; /* Начальная прозрачность */
transition: opacity 0.3s; /* Плавное изменение прозрачности */
} {
opacity: 1; /* Показываем полоску при активации */
let activeSpan = null;
function activate(span) {
if (activeSpan) {
activeSpan = span;
BA (Hons) Graphic Design

Strong graphic design ability is now crucial for businesses to increase their market awareness across almost all industries. Therefore, this graphic design course is the greatest method to get your foot in the door whether you're interested in a career in marketing, a degree in digital design, or even a future as an illustrator.
With a wide variety of digital technologies employed in a variety of intriguing industries, you'll exercise your creativity. Additionally, you'll get the chance to improve your familiarity with conventional media including typography, print, and layout design. Most importantly, though, you'll learn everything there is to know about universal design and how to use it to your advantage in a variety of global businesses.
Course Overview
What will I study?
This course will give you the edge in a variety of creative careers by exploring everything from fundamental picture creation and typography to more complex digital design and animation. You'll learn more about the field itself and the always-changing field of design technology as you pursue your studies. The cutting-edge, above-the-basics modules you'll study as part of our graphic design degree will give you everything you need to become a fully-fledged graphic designer in the field you're passionate about.
The instructors for this course are working designers, so the knowledge you acquire will be practical and extremely applicable. Your next career move is wide open since learning from those in the business also provides you with the chance to investigate design areas you might not have previously considered.
Level of study
Start date
Hours per week
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
First Year (Y1)
September, October, November, February, May
3 years
Weekends, Weekdays or Evenings
9 - 12h
Eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan and the Maintenance Loan
Degree BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Level of study: First Year(Y1)
Start date: September, October, November, February, May
Duration: 3 years
Location: ONLINE
Delivery: Weekends, Weekdays or Evenings
Hours per week: 9 - 12h
Fees: £6935
Finances: Eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan and the Maintenance Loan
Level 4
● Typography and Image Creation
● Design History and Critical Thinking
● Design and Layout
● Illustration and Animation
● Design Vocabulary
● Digital and Analogue Moving Image
Level 5
● Studio Practice I
● Studio Practice II
● Reading Images I
● Reading Images II
● Self-Promotion and Packaging I
● Visualising Concepts
Level 6
● Self-Promotion and Packaging II
● Industry Competition Briefs
● Dissertation
● Major Project
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Study Modes
Entry Requirements
Standard entry:
● Two subjects at GCE A level or equivalent, plus passes at grade C or above in three subjects at GCSE level or equivalent.
● We will also ask to see a design portfolio of your skills, containing approximately five pieces of work.
● High School diploma from your native country
Non-standard entry:
● All applicants can apply based on their work experience - 12 months of work experience is required. Consequently, academic qualifications/diploma is not required.
● To sum up, you don’t need any qualifications to be accepted at the university or college. You just need to pass English Test - Duolingo.
English language requirements
● All applicants must pass Duolingo English Test. You don’t need to pay for English Test - we provide you with a free voucher.
● All applicants must score an overall of 105 points on the Duolingo English Test to be accepted.
● All applicants cannot achieve lower scores per each component as per the below table.
Minimum Required Score
Overall Band

● Assignments
● Essays
● Presentations
● Case studies
● Portfolios of work
● Exams
Funding & Fees
Funding for your studies
All of the students will receive Student Finance which means that you don't need to pay anything.
Tuition Fee Loans
Your tuition fees are paid using a tuition fee loan. This is given to your University or College directly. Only once you have completed your study and are making at least £26,575 per year do loan repayments begin. Students who study full- or part-time may apply
Maintenance Loan is NOT eligible for studying ONLINE.