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    a guide to studying in the UK

    Each educational institution around the globe follows its own unique approach in implementing the curriculum, especially when it comes to studying in the UK. So, don’t delay; commence your preparations today! Familiarize yourself with the English education system and get ready for the application process, even if you have ample time before embarking on your studies in the UK.

    Why should you plan your studies in England in advance?

    Studying in the UK is not only a unique educational opportunity but also a chance to experience a new culture and language. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know how universities operate in England. What does an application to study in the UK involve?

    Remember that education in England differs from that in Poland, among other things. under the aspects of:

    • teaching methodologies,
    • organization of university work,
    • requirements for candidates,
    • costs covered by the student.

    To address the differences related to admitting international students, England introduced a system of standardized exams, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), or language tests like IELTS. Don’t hesitate! You can start preparing for them as early as the beginning of high school!

    Crucial decision: choosing the university and course.

    Choosing a course of study comes with long-term consequences. Education in the United Kingdom is paid. Changing faculties can, therefore, involve additional costs. In some courses, entrance exams or interviews are also mandatory. That’s why the application for studies should be well thought out!

    When deciding to study in England, take into account the costs of food and accommodation. In Poland, students are exempted from most fees. If you decide to start your education in the UK in advance, you can:

    Keep in mind that you always have the option to change your course of study! If you want to ensure your choice, improve your language skills, or get to know the characteristics of your dream institution, consider taking advantage of the Foundation Year.

    Documentation preparation. Why should you start earlier?

    how to apply to study in the UK

    Polish universities usually do not require extensive documentation from their candidates. In addition to providing an ID card and high school diploma results, candidates only need to fill out a few internal forms.

    In the case of applying for studies in the United Kingdom, high school graduates are often required to gather data that confirms their comprehensive readiness for academic pursuits. First of all, the following documents are required:

    At all universities At some universities
    Reference Portfolio (including artistic majors)
    Cover letter Supplementary subject exams
    Matura exam results IELTS/TOEFL Certificate


    Preparations can be time-consuming. In addition to creating a personalized cover letter, as a candidate, you must independently arrange for references. Usually, they are issued by the English language teacher or the instructor of the subject that serves as the basis for the field you are applying to.

    Develop yourself comprehensively – it will pay off!

    Studying in the UK involves dedicating many hours to reading textbooks. Nonetheless, universities in England also take into account the well-rounded development of their future students. Many universities look favorably upon applications from candidates who, in addition to their studies, dedicate their time to pursuing their own passions or helping others. Volunteer activities can have a positive impact on scoring during the recruitment process.

    Even at the high school level, it’s worth getting involved in a sports team, or student organization, or participating in subject olympiads organized within the educational institution’s premises. Academic and sports achievements can secure you a scholarship that covers part or all of the costs. It’s a good solution, especially when you know that your family does not have a budget that can support your start in a foreign country.

    With us, the application for studies in the United Kingdom is easier! Check it out!

    Don’t miss this unique opportunity! Studying in the UK, especially at prestigious universities like Cambridge or Oxford, broadens horizons, positively influencing further career development. Many high school students are unaware of how much they must prepare before starting their desired academic year. With us, you will learn about the differences between the English and Polish education systems and how to prepare documentation properly. Check it out today!

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