Michael Waligóra
Origin: Poland
Chosen University
Direction of Study
Hello, my name is Michał,
I am in my first year of mathematics at De Montfort University in Leicester. I decided to study in Great Brittany because I was looking for new challenges in life. I wanted to try adult life away from my parents, friends, and everything that has surrounded me for the last 18 years of my life. Staying in the same places over and over again is slowly becoming boring. In my opinion, a person to develop must have some kind of stimulus to act. My impetus was travel. And as we know very well, travel educates. Especially in a country where education is at a very high level.
I landed at Luton Airport near London somewhat without a plan on how to get to Leicester. At the airport, I bought a very expensive train ticket that took me directly to my destination. Before your departure, buy tickets online, and you’ll pay about half the price. The trip is a short 1.5 hr. The first day will not do without a GPS, there is no fooling. Fortunately, everything was waiting for me; that’s a huge advantage of living in the dormitory – everything is ready for you.
The journey to study abroad starts even in your home country. Carefully planning expenses and searching for accommodation was my first step. I found a place completely by chance while browsing, but I wouldn’t recommend doing it that way. Often, the visualization of a place online doesn’t match reality. Fortunately, in my case, this was not the case. I live on the opposite side of the street from the university at IQ GROSVENOR HOUSE. It’s a very nice dormitory with an indoor laundry room and a pool table. Every month, the dormitory organizes events that residents can participate in. Places in dormitories disappear very quickly. So don’t wait until the very end! A big advantage of living in a dormitory is the lack of worries about any problems in your room. Is the faucet leaking, the sink clogged? You go down to the reception desk and report the damage. And there goes the problem. On top of that, any dealings with taxes/fees are handled by the front desk and not by you directly. That saves a lot of time. As well as unnecessary stress. But it’s not so cool. The dormitories are expensive costs calculated in weeks starts at £90 to £150. If you decide to live in the dormitory, you can expect a good location, even a 2-minute walk from the university.
I don’t have to prove to anyone that my major is considered very specific. The overwhelming majority of men, mathematical jokes about roots and intervals, or the worst-dressed students at the university are common stereotypes. On this course, people are the same as on any other. The only difference is that solving problems with lots of letters and numbers is built into the program of studies. In the first year, there are four subjects: Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Operational Research, and Computer Programming. The assessments are conducted in a written form. At the beginning of each class, you will be informed about the course structure and the requirements expected from the students. In my opinion, the classes are very interesting. A large number of examples and tasks help to understand the topic. Classes are conducted in the form of lectures and exercises. It is up to the lecturer whether to do them separately or intertwine them with each other.
Probably some of you will want to take a job right after you arrive. It is a good idea. It’s worth getting involved in this right away and not waiting until January, as the first few months of the new year are statistically a slow period for finding a job. The university offers a range of opportunities to help you find a good job, from writing a strong CV to assisting with job interviews.
DMU is a very student-friendly place. Studies are not only about learning but also about meeting new people, building relationships, and shaping your CV. The enormity of non-scientific activities is at the forefront here. Gym, pool, and 1,000 other sports or student associations. If you have a passion you will surely develop it here.
Don’t get caught in the trap that you will learn everything on your own. Believe me, there is not everything is on the Internet. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use the help of various organizations that will give you answers to your questions about studying. W Edu4u zawsze można liczyć na odpowiedź czy to przez internet czy telefonicznie. Believe it helps.
I highly recommend studying abroad.