Berenika Balcer
Origin: Poland
Chosen University
Lancaster University
Direction of Study
BA Media and Cultural Studies
My name is Berenika and I am a student in my third, or final, year of BA Media and
Cultural Studies at Lancaster University. Originally from Zielona Góra, currently from the seaside, and
as for the high school is from Szczecin, where I did not finish the IB at all, but just straight class
humanities and journalism.
Probably like most people, I had the idea for a long time to study in the UK. After
I was originally going to study first in Cardiff, then in Sussex, in
in the meantime, there was still a gap year, and finally, it was Lancaster. I didn’t even look
especially the universities themselves, and I started my search with directions to go
through descriptions, rankings and only then look at the university itself, at
its location. For sure living in London would be a British dream compared to which
Lancaster, one hour north of Manchester (or simply the Deep North)
it may seem like the middle of nowhere. However, I certainly do not regret the decision.
Lancaster University
When it comes to formal considerations, that is, those that count quite a bit these days – Lancaster in
Recent years range between 127. and 131. place in the world rankings. Some
time ago, for this, he was named University of the Year according to The Times and The Financial
Times”. As for Communication and Media itself, it is not much lower than the general one
world position. The fact for which I mention this is that it is in a certain
way affects not only the choice of study itself, but also, in some way, the
atmosphere at the university. And despite the fact that it might seem that because of
relatively high position, the atmosphere is more relaxed than at many other universities.
Very friendly and focused primarily on helping.
We have a “typical” campus, which is itself a student town, a couple of
minutes by bus from the city. Lancaster is also notable for having a collegiate system.
First, you apply for college, and then you kind of become a part of it
with which you then have graduation. There is also accommodation associated with colleges. On the first and last
year you have priority to apply for rooms on campus (meaning second mat
With 90% certainty that you will live in the city). The price and quality depends on the college, and also the
there are different types of rooms within them. However, you also have a choice and you can live in the city
from the first year, both in the university dormitory and in the dormitory belonging to
private company or rent a house or apartment with friends. Prices range from
around £90 to even £180 per week depending on the type of apartment. Bus ticket in
two pages per campus costs around £3, for one term around £100, and for three terms
over £260, in a year over £300. The campus is about an hour away from the center itself
On foot, which only seems like a lot, but you can easily pass, for example, by bicycle. Overall
in Lancaster everything is theoretically close.
Each college also has a bar, there is a large sports center, lots of places to walk and
ducks. A large, renovated library with a real tree inside (which is called a
probably Norman), cafes, both cantinas and fast food. There are cinemas in the city (both
Vue as well as the independent The Dukes, which is owned by Andy Serkis, and to which he has since
to time Ian McKellen drops by), theaters, rivers, canal, fields, sheep, restaurants, pubs, bars and
lots of hipster cafes. The perfect place to be for just three years.
Media and Cultural Studies
As for this direction at LU, it can certainly seem less demanding than others
Due to the very small number of class hours. However, this does not mean that nothing
we do. In addition to the lecture, the so-called. workshops and seminars, there is plenty to read and write about,
and the entire study, of course, ends with a bachelor’s degree. Now, however, our direction is slowly changing
a focus on the more creative and practical. On almost every subject there is also
The opportunity to choose a more creative form than simply an essay. The advantage of the direction is also this,
that it is very flexible. Apart from one or two compulsory subjects per year
you can choose for yourself the rest of the modules, and not only from the range of typically MCS or
sociology (as the subject is in the department of sociology), but practically all others
courses. If you want to deal with more advertising or promotion, then you can calmly
select items from Marketing. Art? Here you go. Theater, Film, Philosophy, Politics and
many others. You can design your studies so that they suit you
more about your interests and plans for the future.
Subjects in the MCS itself include things like Consumer Culture and Advertising,
Digital Cultures, Television Studies, Critical Cultural Theory, Social Activism, Urban
Development in the Media Age. All very interesting and all led by
people always ready to help you, advise you, and who you can see that they are fascinated by what you do
occupy. You can also talk to them calmly, share your concerns or simply
fall into a fascinating conversation about e.g. post-television, post-colonial cultural theory or about
In this direction, too, the exams are only in the third term, which is May-June.
Unless you choose your subjects in the third year so that you have alone
courseworki (i.e., essays, projects, etc.). Also at LU, the first year does not “count” when it comes to
assessments. At least it doesn’t count towards the final average at the end. The first year is
such a trial time so that you get used to everything and get used to the academic rhythm.
So the work is there, but with the right organization of time and commitment you can end up with a
very good results. Precisely because of the small number of hours, too, you can, and even
get involved in student associations. LU is full of them. Literally full.
Anything you can think of, chances are very good that there is such a society and you can get to it
save. From international ones, such as the Polish Society, through scientific and organizational ones, such as
TEDx, at the organization of which you can get involved, by student media like a newspaper,
TV, radio and cinema, to LEGO, Harry Potter and reconstruction of scenes from books/movies
fantasy or historical reenactments and just drinking wine. Engage in
society is not only an ideal way to meet people and have a nice time, but also if you
get into the executive committee, you stand a chance of getting amazing
experience and, let’s be sadly honest, it looks very nice on a resume.
Speaking of student media, there is still a unique time every year,
Roses. Based on the War of the Two Roses, Roses is now the biggest
Europe’s inter-university sports competition. We compete in approximately
fifty disciplines against, of course, the University of York. Amazing
atmosphere that must be experienced and that can be experienced for free as just that
student media member.
Studying in the UK may seem scary, but it is definitely the adventure of a lifetime and
worth some stress at the beginning. In addition to knowledge, of course, you gain uniqueness
memories, experiences and acquaintances. Lancaster University is in this respect
very good, as a relatively typical student place, even buzzing with
international, friendly company. With rail links to both Scotland
as well as London, and in wonderfully close proximity to the Lake District. So apply now! It
is also known that with help there is always less stress, so use it thanks to Edu4u.
Good luck!
Berenika Balcer
PS. As a student of media, I am well aware of the prevalence of social media as a medium
creating us in society (you see, these studies give you such wise words,
justifying simply self-promotion), so:
– My Instagram, where you can get a sneak peek at the university, Lancaster itself and my dear Lake
District – @balbere,
– my blog – https://perfekcjiniema.wordpress.com/