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    studying in England

    Are you going to study in the UK? From the following article, you will learn about the requirements you need to meet to apply for a visa to the UK, the available courses that await you, and how we can help you start your student journey on the islands! Be sure to familiarize yourself with the new requirements for students and check how the application procedure for universities is conducted.


    New requirements for future students in the UK

    Since January 1, 2021, changes have been implemented, according to which every person from the European Union coming to study in England must have a visa. It is a result of Brexit. And what are the consequences for European students? They will be treated differently from those who are native British or have pre-settled status. A visa is necessary for both new students who are just starting their studies in the UK and those who started their studies there earlier but did not decide to move before 2020.

    Do not worry about the necessity of obtaining a visa. The procedure is straightforward and does not require meeting overly strict criteria, so you will certainly be able to quickly handle all the formalities. If you have any doubts or problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to us – we will gladly help you with applying for studies in the United Kingdom.

    The conditions you must meet to apply for a student visa

    To obtain a student visa in the UK, you need to meet several conditions. Firstly, you must be at least 16 years old, and in addition to that:

    • present relevant documents to the British government: passport, a letter of acceptance from one of the English universities (you must have an unconditional offer, confirmed by the CAS – confirmation of acceptance for studies reference number, which you will receive from the university), parental consent if you are under 18 years old,
    • achieve a positive result in the language proficiency exam, confirming that you can speak, read, and write fluently in English,
    • confirm that you are able to cover the tuition fees, as academic fees are to be paid from your own financial resources,
    • cover additional fees – applying for a visa incurs a cost of around £348. Additionally, you must purchase health insurance, which costs £470 for each year of your visa duration.
    • You can apply for the visa no earlier than six months before the planned start of your studies, and the decision on granting the document is usually made within 3 weeks. If you are a resident of the UK, submit your application 3 months before the start of your studies.

    Application procedure – what do you have to do?

    Student visa

    Are you wondering how the UK visa application process works? It is very easy. You can apply for it even from your phone, using appropriate software allowing for quick verification of your identity. An alternative option is to visit the visa application center in the country where you are currently staying and complete the aforementioned formalities.

    Remember that after receiving the visa, you can arrive in the UK earlier: up to 1 week if your studies last for 6 months or less, and up to 1 month if your studies will last longer than six months. Indeed, you have time to organize your stay in the UK and prepare for your study period.

    What fields can you study and what does the visa allow?

    Obtaining a student visa in the UK allows you to study and take up employment, including working as a student union sabbatical officer. Correct, the student visa does not grant you the right to self-employment, access public funds, or pursue certain professions, mainly in the sports field. Having a visa, you can study:

    • full-time – meaning at least 15 hours of study per week on courses leading to a qualification Below Honour Degree, Degree Level, or higher,
    • part-time if the course leads to a qualification above level 7 RQF (Regulated Qualifications Framework).
    • as part of a postgraduate doctor or dentist program.
    • as part of an English language course at level B2 or higher on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

    With us, the application is really easy! Check it out!

    Are you waiting for an application to study in the UK? Apply to Edu4u and we will gladly help you go through all the necessary formalities. Studying in the UK is an opportunity for professional and language development – take advantage of it and choose your direction today!

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