Course Overview
Study Modes
Entry Requirements
Funding & Fees
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BSc Forensic and Criminal Investigation

Do you find the field of forensic and criminal investigation to be fascinating? With the aid of cutting-edge technology, the BSc (Hons) Forensic and Criminal Investigation degree will fully immerse you in the various facets of the investigative process, providing you with invaluable practical insight into actual investigations.
The first lesson in your course walks you through the whole forensic investigation process, from the crime scene to the courtroom. Each module will establish connections between offences, offenders, police enforcement, forensic experts, laws, and legislation, assisting in bringing the evidence to life. You'll also have the chance to play the parts of a crime scene investigator, detective, citizen investigator, and coroner using our distinctive virtual environment. This will help you apply theoretical concepts to the real-world events you might encounter in your future position.
Course Overview
What will I study?
The first part of the course immerses you in the full investigative process, showing how criminal investigations advance naturally and how policing and forensics are related fields. You will learn how the many individuals participating in an inquiry cooperate to accomplish a common objective through this. Along with being taught by knowledgeable instructors with years of expertise in the industry, the course also makes use of guest lecturers and webinars to provide you a solid foundation in current forensic and criminal investigation practices.
Our rich virtual criminal world, which enables you to position yourself in real-life events, is only one way that this course differs from others. This environment will be smoothly linked with your modules as an additional teaching tool, enabling you to apply the material you learn in classes, seminars, and workshops. As you move through several settings, including murder scenes, the police custody suite, the major incident room, police cells, the courtroom, the forensics lab, and a burial site where you unearth partially clothed bones, you'll have the chance to assume a variety of investigation tasks. This will give you knowledge of crucial procedures and roles in forensic investigation and criminal investigations, preparing you for forensic employment in the future.
Level of study
Start date
Hours per week
BSc Forensic and Criminal Investigation
First Year (Y1)
September, October, November, February, May
3 years
Weekends, Weekdays or Evenings
Eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan and the Maintenance Loan
Degree BSc Forensic and Criminal Investigation
Level of study: First Year(Y1)
Start date: September, October, November, February, May
Duration: 3 years
Location: ONLINE
Delivery: Weekends, Weekdays or Evenings
Hours per week: 9-12h
Fees: £6935 per year
Finances: Eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan and the Maintenance Loan
Level 4
● Introduction to Forensic Investigation (20 credits)
● Introduction to Criminal Investigation (20 credits)
● Police Custody (20 credits)
● Witnesses: An Introduction (20 credits)
● Criminal Investigation: Procedures and Practises (20 credits)
● Analysis and Application of Forensics (20 credits)
Level 5
● Core Modules
● Forensic Trace Analysis (20 credits)
● Forensic Biology (20 credits)
● Civilian Employability (20 credits)
● Coroners (20 credits)
● Elective Modules
● Terrorism and the Global Response (20 credits)
● The Intelligence Services (20 credits)
● Policing Concepts and Theories (20 credits)
Level 6
● Forensic Anthropology (20 credits)
● Environmental Forensics (20 credits)
● Law Enforcement: Vulnerability and Risk (20 credits)
● Special Investigations: (60 credit portfolio)
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Study Modes
Entry Requirements
Standard entry:
Non-standard entry:
English language requirements
Duolingo | Minimum Required Score |
Overall Band | 105 |
Comprehension | 105 |
Literacy | 95 |
Conversation | 85 |
Production | 75 |

Unlike on more traditional degree programmes, you won’t be sitting any exams on this BSc (Hons) Forensic and Criminal Investigation. Instead, the course utilises authentic, real-world assessments that replicate the observations, interviews, and reports that would be conducted in the field as part of a real forensic and criminal investigation.
Funding & Fees
Funding for your studies
All of the students will receive Student Finance which means that you don't need to pay anything.
Tuition Fee Loans
Your tuition fees are paid using a tuition fee loan. This is given to your University or College directly. Only once you have completed your study and are making at least £26,575 per year do loan repayments begin. Students who study full- or part-time may apply
Maintenance Loan is NOT eligible for studying ONLINE.