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    Expert Advice. Successful Outcomes.

    Pablo Cardone | Studiuj w Anglii!

    Pablo Cardone

    Pochodzenie: Argentyna

    Wybrany Uniwersytet

    Kierunek Studiów

    Business and Management



    My name is Pablo and I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am currently doing a bachelor’s degree in Business and Management at De Montfort University (DMU) in England. The length of my course is three years and each year, a wide variety of new, different modules are introduced. After graduating from an International British school in Doha, Qatar, I chose to follow my higher education in the United Kingdom (UK) due to the massive renown of its educational system and quality of Universities. Some more factors that contributed towards my decision to study in the UK were the culture, the safe environment, the International experience and the opportunity to further improve my English skills along with meeting locals and other International students. After doing some research, I ended up choosing to study in Leicester because it is a safe, calm and beautiful city which is also full of life due to the large percentage of students in the area. For studying in Leicester, there are two main Universities; The University of Leicester and De Montfort University. I chose De Montfort University as it is well known for its Business, Marketing and Arts rankings and awards. In 2017, DMU was listed in the top 50 best Universities of the UK for Business along with being ranked Gold under the TEF (teaching excellence framework) due to the outstanding teaching and learning on offer and the success of its students.

    As an International student, I had to do the first year of my degree at Leicester International Pathway College (LIPC), which is operated by DMU and focuses on supporting International students, preparing them before proceeding onto DMU. I am very glad that I was sent to LIPC as during my time there I made a lot of connections with other International students. Unlike DMU, the environment of LIPC has more of a high school resemblance as students are matched with other students doing the same course and classes consist of no more than 20 students. This was fantastic for me as for each class I very often met the same people and teachers, which made developing friendships extremely easy. As a matter of fact, by the end of my first year, everyone knew each other very well. Making connections is key during the first year at University as students usually try to have well-established friend groups by the end of such. Another great thing about LIPC is that very often, students can obtain 30-50% scholarships for their first year. I didn’t really know about this until I was almost done with my first year. However, when I told my younger brother to apply for one before coming to study at LIPC, he had no trouble getting the 50% scholarship.

    Even though my career is “Business and Management”, the module list has always offered me considerable selection diversity and allowed myself to choose modules that were related to my career choice such as; Human Resource Management (HRM), Brand Management, International Marketing and Contemporary Management to name a few. The forms of examination vary in numbers and methods for each module, for example, some modules can have two essays (usually 2000-3000 words each) as their forms of examination whilst other modules can have one essay and one written exam. Fortunately, the De Montfort website offers quite a lot of information about each module of every possible degree at DMU, including their respective types of examinations.

    During my course, I have had both lectures and seminars though the latter are a bit less frequent. Lectures at DMU are usually done in large classrooms, often large enough to hold hundreds of students at a time. On the contrary, seminars at DMU are performed in much smaller rooms, which usually resemble the LIPC classrooms. This smaller environment allows for direct conversations between students and the lecturer and help considerably in solidifying knowledge from previous lectures as well as learning information that was not covered in lectures. In addition, the atmosphere of the University and classes is relaxed, with students and teachers being highly approachable and friendly.

    My first steps when I arrived in the UK were to make connections and develop friendships with other students as this is crucial for anyone looking to study at a University. When choosing my accommodation, Edu4u offered me many options whilst considering factors such as my budget, distance between accommodation & University and offered me a wide range of excellent options. I ended up choosing “Grosvenor House” as my accommodation as the rooms were outstanding, the staff were welcoming, and the location was excellent (less than 100 meters away from the University, it is literally right across the street). Moreover, Edu4u also helped me with my job search and offered me different job opportunities that were related to the course I am studying. Ultimately, even though the job offers from Edu4u were great, I ended up opting to use my free time to help my father in launching his new business as he really needed me to give him a hand.

    Overall, Edu4u has made and continues to make a big difference in my stay in the UK as they have always helped me with my accommodation, job search and career support. Their team members are easy to talk to and organizing meetings with them was always fast and simple. They take everything you tell them into account to offer the best possible advice and I highly recommend anyone looking to study in the UK to apply to their University of choice through them as it is free, and no other agent has ever given me so much support. Moreover, Edu4u also offers free advice and support in areas such as; student finance, scholarships, consulting, careers and more.

    I am delighted with my degree, my University and my life in Leicester and I plan to progress onto a master’s degree at DMU after finishing my current degree. For anyone looking to particularly study in Leicester, I highly recommend Grosvenor House as a possible student accommodation as my brother is currently living there and the variety along with quality of their student rooms is just incredible and the prices are very reasonable.